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Mineral fertilization as a complement to organic fertilization in coffee cultivation La fertilización mineral como complemento a la fertilización con abono orgánico en el cultivo del café

How to Cite
Farfan Valencia, F. F. ., & Baute Balcázar, J. E. (2020). Mineral fertilization as a complement to organic fertilization in coffee cultivation. Cenicafe Journal, 71(1), 48-53.


Sistemas agroforestales

café con sombrío

fertilización orgánica

Agroforestry systems

shade coffee

organic fertilization



With the purpose of evaluating different natural mineral potassium sources mixed with decomposed coffee pulp to use them as fertilizers in coffee crops, two potassium sources were evaluated: Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4) and Sulpomag (K2SO4.2MgSO4) on the production in kilograms.ha-1 of dry parchment coffee. The study was done at the Pueblo Bello Experimental Station, located in the municipality of Pueblo Bello, department of Cesar, northern Colombian coffee region. This production was compared with the one obtained with inorganic fertilizers, with organic matter and an unfertilized control; coffee was established at densities of 3.922, 6.060 and 7.843 plants.ha-1 in an agroforestry system. The results showed that the fertilization of coffee with shade allow to provide alternatives such as the application of organic matter mixed with potassium sources such as K2SO4.2MgSO4, commercialized as Sulpomag, provided that high planting densities are established. Coffee established at densities of less than 6.000 plants per ha can be fertilized with organic or inorganic sources.

Francisco Fernando Farfan Valencia

Investigador Científico II. Disciplina de Fitotecnia, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. Manizales,Caldas, Colombia

José Enrique Baute Balcázar

Asistente de Investigación. Disciplina de Experimentación, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

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