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Reflexión sobre los instrumentos para abordar los desequilibrios en la cadena de valor del Café Reflexión sobre los instrumentos para abordar los desequilibrios en la cadena de valor del Café

How to Cite
Castro-Mantilla, M. del R., Córdoba, C. C., Leibovich, J., & Izquierdo-Mayorga, J. M. (2024). Reflexión sobre los instrumentos para abordar los desequilibrios en la cadena de valor del Café. Essays on Coffee Economics, 37(1), 121-141.

Coffee Supply Chain



Fair Compensation

Cadena de valor del café



Retribución justa

María del Rosario Castro-Mantilla
Claudia Carolina Córdoba
Juan Manuel Izquierdo-Mayorga


This document reflects on the instruments identified by Fantini and Samoggia (2023), to understand, address and take action on the various asymmetries between actors participating in the coffee value chain. It is written with the objective of contributing to the knowledge building needed to achieve a sustainable coffee production. This reflection is based on: (i) additional evidence that supports the findings of Fantini and Samoggia (2023); (ii) Key characteristics of the coffee growers who use some of the instruments mentioned in the literature to balance their participation in the value chain; (iii) information on the implementation of these instruments in Colombia and (iv) the opening of the debate and lines of research regarding proposals for achieving equilibrium in the coffee value chain.

María del Rosario Castro-Mantilla, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros

Analista Investigaciones Económicas. FNC.

Claudia Carolina Córdoba, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros

Especialista en Investigaciones Económicas. FNC.