Peer review process
Our OJS portal receives all manuscripts. The technical secretary validates the structure of the scientific article: Title (Maximum 16 words), Name of the authors, Summary (Maximum 250 words), Abstract, Introduction (Maximum 1,000 words), Materials and methods (Maximum 1,100 words), Results and discussion (Maximum 2,500 words), Acknowledgments (Maximum 70 words), Literature cited (No more than 50 bibliographic citations).
The publication must have a maximum length of 6,000 words; the specialized Editor emails the proposal to external and internal peers. At the request of the Editorial Committee, you can submit it for review by the Discipline of Biometrics.
Subsequently, the internal peers have a maximum period of one month from the acceptance of the review to return the publication proposal with suggestions and observations. If after this period the comments are not received, another reviewer must be obtained. The specialized Editor must make the publication decision based on at least the reviews of two peers, one internal and one external. Finally, the peer review process ends with consolidating comments and their concepts via email by the specialized Editor to the primary author, giving two weeks to review and make adjustments.