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Distribution and trends of hourly rainfall in the coffee-growing region of northeast South America Distribución y tendencias de las lluvias horarias en la región cafetera del Noreste de Sur América

How to Cite
Ramírez-Carabalí, C., Sarmiento-Herrera, N., & García-López, J. C. (2024). Distribution and trends of hourly rainfall in the coffee-growing region of northeast South America. Cenicafe Journal, 75(1), e75103.

Hourly rainfall

diurnal cycle

innovative trend analysis




Lluvia horaria

ciclo diurno

análisis de tendencias innovadoras

Mann Kendall




Precipitação horária

ciclo diurno

análise de tendência inovadora




Carolina Ramírez-Carabalí
Ninibeth Sarmiento-Herrera
Juan Carlos García-López


Hourly precipitation data from meteorological stations of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, located in coffee-producing regions of northeastern South America, were analyzed to determine trends in annual average precipitation hours, daytime precipitation, and maximum hourly precipitation between 1980 and 2019. Trend tests used include the Mann-Kendall (MK) test and Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA). On an annual average, there are 919 hours of rainfall. Maximum rainfall within one hour is mainly in the moderate to strong and strong categories (20 to 60 mm/h), with the trend predominantly increasing without statistical significance. Based on ITA, maximum hourly rainfall is increasing at the stations Pueblo Bello (Cesar), Francisco Romero (Norte de Santander), La Catalina (Risaralda), Julio Fernández (Valle del Cauca), and Jorge Villamil (Huila); and decreasing at Granja Tibacuy (Cundinamarca) and Albán (Valle del Cauca). Although no spatial pattern of these trends was found, it was noted that the number of rainfall events of different intensities has increased in most stations: in Pueblo Bello, Santagueda (Caldas) and Manuel Mejía (Cauca) an increasing trend was observed in all precipitation categories, while in Julio Fernández it was a decreasing trend. These results characterize and update the study of hourly rainfall distribution in the mentioned region and identify trends in maximum hourly rainfall and the number of rainfall events.

Carolina Ramírez-Carabalí, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico I, Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Ninibeth Sarmiento-Herrera, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Asistente de Investigación. Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. 

Juan Carlos García-López, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico II, respectivamente. Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé

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