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Descriptive univariate analysis of the use of aerial cable for coffee transport at the farm level Análisis descriptivo univariado del empleo de cable aéreo para transporte de café a nivel de finca

How to Cite
Gómez-Soto, J. (2024). Descriptive univariate analysis of the use of aerial cable for coffee transport at the farm level. Cenicafe Journal, 75(1), e75101.

Análisis económico

maquinaria agrícola





Economic analysis

agricultural machinery





Análise econômica

maquinaria agrícola



Juan Gómez-Soto


On-farm coffee cherry transport methods that complement or replace the physical labor of pickers include aerial cables. These are devices with various traction methods, power sources, motorized power, braking systems, and designs for loading and mobilization platforms, with winch and continuous rotation over pulleys being the most common types. A descriptive study was conducted in seven departments with farms that use this technology, through univariate analysis. The results indicate that there is a wide diversity in technical, economic, and social characteristics. The interquartile range of coffee growing area spans from 2.6 to 8.9 hectares, and an average of 39.8 tons (C.V: 130%) of coffee cherries are transported per year. Under the observed conditions, the installation of an aerial cable resulted in a reduction in fruit transport time per workday from 57.6 min (S.D. 17.5) to 15.0 min (S.D. 4.9). The average investment amount (2021) was $15,910,000 COP, $27,352,000 COP and $38,285,000 COP in small, medium, and large farms respectively. Regarding the factors that determined the installation of the system, coffee growers cited cost reduction, increased harvesting efficiency, improved recruitment and retention of pickers, the transportation of other agricultural products, equipment, and supplies, administrative ease during harvest seasons, and property value appreciation. However, initial investment costs and maintenance were identified as limitations.

Juan Gómez-Soto, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico II. Disciplina de Economía Agrícola, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. 

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