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Agroclimatic risk for the Colombian coffee-growing region: A method for regionalizing climate variability Riesgo agroclimático para zona cafetera colombiana : Método para regionalizar la variabilidad climática

How to Cite
Ramírez-Builes, V. H., Peña-Quiñonez, A. J., Jaramillo Robledo, A., Giraldo-Escobar, J. P., Suárez-Arcila, H. E., & Duque-Rincón, N. (2012). Agroclimatic risk for the Colombian coffee-growing region: A method for regionalizing climate variability. Cenicafe Journal, 63(2), 98-115.


Déficit hídrico

exceso hídrico



Climate variability

water deficit

water excess

climate threat



Déficit de água

excesso de água



Andrés Javier Peña-Quiñonez
Julieth Paola Giraldo-Escobar
Heverth Eduardo Suárez-Arcila
Nelson Duque-Rincón


In this study, risk is considered as the product of the threat caused by climate variability and the vulnerability of the coffee production system to reduce productivity due to water deficit and excess. The source of climate variability analyzed in this study is the annual variability caused by El Niño and La Niña events. Vulnerability is estimated from the calculation of the Soil Humidity Index (IHS) in productive coffee plantations based on the integration of edaphic, crop and atmospheric variables that allow defining the relationship that exists between the behavior of soil humidity and productivity variables of the coffee crop. The application of the methodology was carried out for the department of Quindío because it has adequate coverage in the meteorological network and geo-referenced soil units. The methodology allows historical analysis for regionalization or zoning purposes and dynamic analysis for decision making and adjustments to production systems. The final product is a web-based system that allows each user to know the risk level of their production system.

Víctor Hugo Ramírez-Builes, Cenicafé

Investigador Científico II, Disciplina de Fitotecnia, Cenicafé

Andrés Javier Peña-Quiñonez, Cenicafé

Investigador Científico II, Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Cenicafé.

Alvaro Jaramillo Robledo, Cenicafé

Investigador Científico III (hasta diciembre 2012), Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Cenicafé.

Julieth Paola Giraldo-Escobar, Cenicafé

Asistente de Investigación. Disciplina de Fisiología, Cenicafé.

Heverth Eduardo Suárez-Arcila, Cenicafé

Asistente de Investigación, Disciplina de Fitotecnia, Cenicafé.

Nelson Duque-Rincón, Cenicafé

Auxiliar de investigación, Disciplina de Agroclimatología, Cenicafé.

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