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Effect of renewal by stumping and pruning on coffee root biomass Efecto de la renovación por zoca y podas en la biomasa de raíces de café

How to Cite
Rendón, J. R., Grajales, A. M., & Salazar, H. M. (2023). Effect of renewal by stumping and pruning on coffee root biomass. Cenicafe Journal, 74(1), e74105.



crecimiento raíz


Coffea arabica



root growth


Coffea arabica



crescimento radicular


Coffea arabica


José Raúl Rendón
Angela María Grajales
Hugo Mauricio Salazar


Coffee roots support the plant and absorb the water and nutrients necessary for growth and production. In order to evaluate coffee roots biomass in different types of renewal, root samples were taken every three months for a year in 30 randomly selected trees for each evaluation. Soil and root samples were extracted at a distance of 25 and 50 cm horizontal from the base of the stem in the first 20 cm from the surface. Roots with a ? 3 mm diameter were selected and classified as alive or dead. For conventional stumping, "lung" pruning and "skull" pruning, significant differences in the amount of live root biomass at 25 cm and 50 cm were found when comparing the averages of the initial date and those obtained after the renovation. There were similar results in the composition analysis of total roots (live and dead). The greater removal of aerial tissue in the renewed plants caused a decrease in root biomass in the first year; however, the development of new roots was observed as the plants increased in age and up to 74% of the initial biomass in conventional two-year old stumped trees was recovered. Likewise, coffee production in a 5-year period showed a cumulative value of 50.865 kg of coffee fruits for the conventional stump, higher than that recorded with other renewal types.

José Raúl Rendón, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico I. Disciplina de Fitotecnia, Cenicafé

Angela María Grajales, Comité de Cafeteros del Quindío

Ing. Agrónomo. Servicio de Extensión, Comité de Cafeteros del Quindío

Hugo Mauricio Salazar, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico II. Disciplina de Economía, Cenicafé

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