Peñuela-MartÃnez, A. E., Restrepo-Rivera, M. V., & Tibaduiza, C. A. (2022). Solar coffee drying using different types of plastic covers. Cenicafe Journal, 73(2), e73206.
Recently, the use of blue plastic covers to perform solar drying of coffee has increased due to their optical properties that may benefit cup quality. However, such effects are still unknown. This research determined the effect of five different types of plastic covers on sensory quality and drying times by performing solar drying processes simultaneously through an experimental randomized complete block design, using coffee from Naranjal Experiment Station. The drying curves in each condition as well as the behavior of the temperature were determined. A sensory analysis was made to the coffee obtained using the SCA protocol. The information about variables related to environmental conditions during each process (Blocking Factor) was recorded. The cup quality obtained had an average of 81.4 SCA points, the analysis of variance showed no significant differences related to the effect of the use of the different plastic covers. The drying time of the control was up to 40 hours shorter than that of the blue and orange covers.
Cabrera Morales, C. M., & López-Nevot, M. A. (2006). Efectos de la radiación ultravioleta (UV) en la inducción de mutaciones de p53 en tumores de piel. OncologÃa (Barcelona), 29(7), 291–298.