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Effect of the combination of drying processes on the quality of natural coffee processed by drying methods Efecto de la combinación de procesos de secado en la calidad del café natural obtenido vía seca

How to Cite
Osorio, V., Pabón, J., Shuler, J., & Fernández-Alduenda, M. R. (2022). Effect of the combination of drying processes on the quality of natural coffee processed by drying methods. Cenicafe Journal, 73(1), e73101.

Coffea arabica L.







Coffea arabica L.







Coffea arabica L.







Valentina Osorio
Jenny Pabón
Joel Shuler
Mario Roberto Fernández-Alduenda


In Colombia, the most frequent post-harvest process is the so-called wet method, which results in mild washed coffee. There is currently an emerging trend in the search for differentiated sensory profiles and this has increased interest in coffee processed by drying methods, which result in natural coffees. In order to determine the effect of changes on the order of the type of drying of natural coffees, four treatments were evaluated: 100% sun drying; 100% mechanical drying; sun drying with decrease of the initial percentage of humidity to 40% and ending with mechanical drying, and mechanical drying coffee with decrease of the initial percentage of humidity to 40% ending with sun drying. For each treatment, the sensory evaluation was performed with the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) protocol and the chemical composition was determined using the Near Infrared Spectometry technique, NIRS. The average time for 100% sun drying was 14 days, for mechanical drying was 8 days, and for treatments associated with combinations and changes was 12 days. There were no differences between treatments for the total SCA score, an average score of 82.90 was obtained with a maximum of 84.92 points. The fragrance/aroma attribute was different in favor of mechanical drying with an average value of 8.01 and the palmitic fatty acid content was 40.11% for 100% sun drying treatment, while for mechanical drying it was 38.69%.

Valentina Osorio, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico I, Disciplina de Calidad. Cenicafé

Jenny Pabón, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Asistente de Investigación, Disciplina de Calidad. Cenicafé

Joel Shuler, Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG, Brasil

Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG, Brasil

Mario Roberto Fernández-Alduenda, SCA Specialty Coffee Association

SCA Specialty Coffee Association

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